Yesterday my partner and I went to Los Angeles to visit the American Apparel showroom to pick up some lady tee's for all you ladies! We were there for hours looking at our options, materials for future projects, and just understanding what the hell we were trying to do.
Also, all you American Apparel heads did you know if you shop at the store thats right where the warehouse is everything is discounted? They have more stuff there since its right next to the warehouse for a discounted price!
After, we went to this Japanese restaurant in LA and too bad everyone's camera was dead and so was their phone or else I would have taken pictures of the crazy stuff we ate.
BUT I tried this soda I had never heard of before, it's called Ramune. The way you open it is bad ass! You like pop it. I've never tasted anything like it either, everyone needs to try it!
Once we were done eating I went to another spot to drop off the "Asi Es La Vida" to get their tee shirt tags inserted...Should be available to the public very soon!
Busy day?...Eh somewhat we could have done a lot more if traffic wasn't so crazy, but thats LA.